Here are a few memories to jog your memory-

CAMP MEMORIES What memories I have thinking "way" back when "we" were about 14 yrs. of age and at camp. I will never forget how a guy that was "supposed" to be my friend tied me up to a tree and left me there to starve and probably would have left me all day. That is until Bro. Farlin Flatt who noticed that I was not present at lunch looked out over that big window in the mess hall and seen that I was tied up to a tree. He knew exactly who the culprit was and called out the name of Brian Howard (who was back then known as Keith to all of us) and insisted that he go down and remove all those ropes from me. Keith, who did not admit at first that he was even a part of this just grinned that big grin and said "me?, why do you think it was me?" Why Bro. Flatt started in on him saying "how could you even think of tying her up like that and leaving her". ''You know better than that now GO DOWN AND UNTIE HER"! As I stood there hoping that someone would soon notice that I was not there for lunch, I noticed that Keith was on his way to rescue the person he had seized. You can imagine what I said and how I said it.......I was sooooo angry! On another occasion, this time at Winter Camp some of us girls naming me, Trudy Bracewell, Pam Hopper and Judy Young started off across the lake with just a sled, a stick, and a sheet. We proceeded across the lake enjoying the wind just blowing us along when all of a sudden I looked back and seen that the wind was blowing the wrong way! As I sat on the ice and felt that cold wind blowing me backwards I said to the girls "how in the world are we going to get back"? It was cold and the wind was blowing so hard and we just knew we were going to be out there all night long. When again Bro. Flatt looking out that big picture window seen us and began calling for Keith Howard, Trent Wallace, and the others to come and get us out of the pickle we had gotten ourselves in. As we sat in dispair we looked back and seen the boy's with their skates on coming to rescue us. As they approached Keith told us right away it was not HIS idea. I was so glad that Bro. Farlin Flatt made them come out there and pull us all back to safety. Of course you can imagine what Keith was saying all the back to the bank. It was not pleasant but of course I just laughed and laughed cause I knew that he could not stop until we were all safe and sound.......I sat and enjoyed the RIDE all the way to safety...Oh what fun we had and what wonderful memories. Thank you Garden City for all the wonderful memories and thank you to the Camp! Sherri Davis Webb

The Songs, and Devotionals- Example
2)   The Emotional Director Skit- Example
3)   The Best Snoring in the world- Given to us by Mike E.
4)   UNO- Given to us by Mike E.
5)   Mickey Mouse, the Women's Dorm Mascot. Given to us by Shannon Evans and Karen Warfield
6)   Gourmet Food, not to ever be forgotten- Given to us by Mike Emerson
7)   Ice skating TO and FROM the dorms- Given to us by Mike Emerson
8)   The 5 WHY's - Given to us by Todd Mikula
9    "Bee"-ing Outside late at night for not being quiet at "lights out"- given to us by Brian Chambers
10) "Seeing the Royal Oak group do their skit about shopping at Wal-Mart"  - Courtney 9/28/03
11) "Getting big headaches from getting knocked off the beam with them huge pillows- Everyone (submitted by Molly            Howard 11/28/03)
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